About Us

Evangelist Judy Shaw, December 1986, in Sioux Falls, SD, founded Center of Life Church, formerly called Deeper Life Church, under the leadership of Bishop Carl Roberson, Buffalo, NY.As Sis. Judy began pioneering in Sioux Falls, she started out with one family until it grew to where it is now.From hotel to hotel, from leasing one church to another church, she held fast to the vision that God had given her.To-date, the Center of Life is an international ministry, representing about 8 nations.Located in downtown Sioux Falls, Center of Life is committed to community ministry, while they continue to be a strong, present truth, life giving, body of believers building the Kingdom of God.
In November 1996, the vision began to unfold.Finally, after years of searching, a church home was found!That which was considered the city’s main bowling alley soon became a beautiful sanctuary filled with the Glory of God.After extensive renovations to a two-story 18,000 square foot building, in April of 1997, phase one was completed.
In May of 1997, the church had its grand opening “Founders Week”.In that week, three significant things transpired:firstly, the dedication of the sanctuary, then the official change of name from Deeper Life COGIC to the Center of Life Church, and the ordination and appointment of Pastor Judy.
Our Mission
To Love, Equip, and Deploy people.
Our Vision
To be a ministry where emerging leaders mature into their Kingdom calling within the fivefold ministry gifts. We endeavor to equip and activate leaders to reach the lost in their specific community.
Our Values
FAITH ( Heb 11: 6 )
LOVE ( 1 Cor 13 )
INTEGRITY ( Proverbs 10: 6 )
Statement of Faith
We believe that the entire Bible is inspired by God, without error and the authority on which we base our faith, conduct and doctrine.
We believe in one God who exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to this earth as Savior of the world.
We believe Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood for our sins. We believe that salvation is found by placing our faith in what Jesus did for us on the cross. We believe Jesus rose from the dead and is coming again.
We believe that water baptism is a symbol of the cleansing power of the blood of Christ and a testimony to our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe in the regular taking of Communion as an act of remembering what the Lord Jesus did for us on the cross.
We believe every believer should be in a growing relationship with Jesus by obeying God’s Word, yielding to the Holy Spirit and by being conformed to the image of Christ.
We believe that as children of God, we are over comers and more than conquerors, and God intends for each of us to experience the abundant life He has in store for us.

Apostle Judy Shaw
Judy Shaw, born In kingsville, Texas, Is A Pioneer, Spiritual Leader And A Sought-After Global Speaker Who Has Commanded The Attention Of Many Audiences.Reared In Buffalo, New York, Judy Was Mentored And Trained In Ministry By Her Father, Bishop C. Roberson (COGIC). It Was During Those Years She Assisted Her Father In Establishing Churches In The Western New York Region As Well As Serving Administratively At The Local Church. After Many Years Of Assisting Her Father In The State Of South Dakota, Where He Was The Jurisdictional Bishop,
In 1984 Judy Was Asked By The National COGIC Church To Serve That State As Supervisor Over The Women’s Dept. She Served As The Youngest State Supervisor In The History Of That Denomination (COGIC) Until 2003. Due To Her Ordination To The Office Of Pastor In 1997, Along With Her Evangelistic Travels, It Became Necessary To Be Released From Her National Position.Characterized By Her Friends And Colleagues As One Of The Most Insightful, Powerful And Compassionate Women Today, Judy Boldly Confront Individuals, To Know Their Life’s Purpose And Ministry. She Warms The Heart, Stirs The Human Spirit, And Challenges Her Audiences To Connect With Their Life's Purpose.
She’s Been Known To Shift Cultures And Change Nations.Judy Has Traveled To More Than 25 Foreign Countries And Has Spoken Before Presidents Of Nations, To Groups As Small As 10 And To Audiences As Large As 25,000, Releasing Prophetic Insight Into Those Regions. Also, She’s The Sr. Leader Of A Multi-Ethnic Fellowship, In The Heart Of Her City, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Judy Oversees Churches And Ministries In And Outside Of Her Region.Starting The Center Of Life Church In Sioux Falls In 1986, By 2003, Three Other Churches Were Birthed. Deeper Life, Indian Reservation, New Life Church In Sioux City, Iowa And New Life Russian Church Of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.Serves As A Personal Advisor To Many In The Business And Entertainment Industries. She Is Involved In A Number Of Successful Businesses, Where She Lends Strategic And Spiritual Insight Towards Reaching Their Full Potential.
Judy Is A Graduate Of Bryant And Stratton College, Buffalo, NY, Houghton Bible College, School Of Management At State University In New York, And A Licensed Realtor For Fifteen Years.
Being A 25 Year Resident Of Sioux Falls, She Is Actively Involved In The Community, Where She Has Served Two Terms On The City’s Commission Board, Three Years On The County Commissioners Diversity Board, As Well As Holding A Position In Human Relations As A Liaison Person For The City.

Joshua S. Duncan, M.Div., LPC-QMHP, LAC
Senior Pastor
Sioux Falls has been Joshua's home since age two, and he loves his community. Adopted by that
time and through various life experiences, parental and mentor influence, and his faith Joshua
discovered his life calling of being a pastor and therapist to help people unbecome to become.
Journeying with people to assist them in finding their place of peace as they learn more about
themselves is what Joshua loves to do. The journey forward is inward, and providing spaces for
people to share their life stories helps them become more self-aware and empowered to live
fully. They are learning how to unbecome to become.
Joshua works with teens, young adults, and adults, especially those challenged with attachment
issues, addiction, relational trauma, anxiety, and personality issues. Another passion is working
with those experiencing burnout, compassion fatigue, and emotional problems in various
leadership capacities.
Joshua started working in the addiction field in residential treatment in 2016 and has recently
shifted into mental health in 2021. Joshua is a licensed addiction (LAC) and mental health
counselor (LPC-QMHP). Joshua graduated from the University of Sioux Falls with a BA in
Media Studies in 2011. In 2016 he graduated from Sioux Falls Seminary with a master’s in
divinity with a counseling specialization. In July 2021, Joshua was installed and ordained as the
senior pastor of Center of Life Church, a multicultural non-denominational church established in
1986. Joshua is currently working on his Ph.D. in Development Psychology with a specialization
in leadership and organizational development at Walden University, with a projected completion
date of September 2023.
Our Ministries

Our worship ministry’s mission is to worship fully. Our vision is to give our whole hearts to God, and release a worthy worship and praise that not only pleases Him, but also encourages the people of God to fully engage in a worship experience. The result produces glory, power and expands God’s kingdom in the earth.
Worship Team
Audio/Visual Team
Prayer Ministry
Life Development
Our life development ministry’s mission is to equip people for successful Christian living. Our vision is to prepare people from childhood to adulthood to live successful Christian lives.
Men's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Children's Ministry
Pastoral Care
Our discipleship ministry’s mission is to offer Biblically-based wisdom and one-on-one guidance to support spiritual growth. Our vision is that every member be connected to a disciple, elder, mentor or coach
School of Ministry
Sister to Sister
Our Life Connections ministry’s mission is to develop and nurture relationships with Center of Life members. Regular visitors and supporters feel welcomed. Our vision is that every member feels connected, every visitor feels loved, and regular supporters and guests are appreciated and informed of our events
Member/Visitor Connections
Our business operations ministry’s mission is to provide accountability in financial functions and seamlessness in facility operations. Our vision is that every penny is accounted for and reported regularly to the church’s membership, and our building and grounds facilitate worship, learning and growing.
Finance Ministry
Facility Ministry
Worship with Us

Weekly Schedule
Wednesday @ 6:30pm
Worship & Teaching
Sunday @ 10:30am
Morning Worship
Conference Prayer & Bible Call @ 6:00am - 6:30am
Monday | Wednesday | Friday
667- 770-1066
Access Code # 744401
Click Here to give online or
Text to Give (605) 250-2021
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Calender of Events
Updates Coming Soon!
Apostle Judy Shaw
Pastor Joshua Duncan
Pastor Joshua Duncan
Pastor Joshua Duncan
Contact Us
University Welcome Center
2100 South Summit Ave.
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
email: info@centeroflifechurchsf.org |
Text or Call: 605-951-0747